Important note. The sunny side egg is not shown in the photo. Click on the photo to enlarge The sunny side egg should top the dish. The egg yolk is an important saucing element of this dish, it adds to the hollandaise like flavor profile. The dish has that flavor but with ten percent of the effort and no dairy if you use coconut milk and oil (not a requirement). This is a simple but elegant dish that can be made in half an hour with very few ingredients. It is probably best classified as high end diner fare 🙂 Cayenne Pepper can be added optionally as garnish.

—– Ingredients —–
- Four Medium Potatoes (and water to boil them)
- Two Tbsp Virgin Coconut Oil (or butter)
- Salt (to taste)
- Pepper (I go a bit heavy, but how you like it)
- 1/2 pound quality Beef Pastrami or other sliced meat
- I can Coconut Milk (whole milk/half and half/sour cream/cream will do if you must)
- Lemon Grass
- 4 Eggs
- —– Recipe Serves 4 —–
This recipe is very straightforward. Make Mashed Potatoes using your Four Medium Potatoes, Two Tbsp Virgin Coconut Oil, Half of your Coconut Milk, Salt and Pepper. Set aside keeping warm.
Heat your Beef Pastrami in a saute pan. Traditional Pastrami comes in in longer thinner strips (if not cut in to the shape of a strip that is longer than it is wide). Roll these strips in to little rosettes as seen in photo and set aside keeping warm.
In the same pan as the Pastrami begin heating remaining Coconut Milk. Cook until it starts to reduce. Add whole Lemon Grass for about one minute and the sauce is done. This will give the dish that important lemony profile that will help emulate a Hollandaise sauce.
In a non stick pan cook Eggs sunny side up. Time to plate!
Place 1/4 of Mashed Potatoes in center of each plate in roughly circular pattern. Add sauce. Center egg on top. Add Pastrami Rosettes. Poke lemon grass in to the dish for an extravagant but easy garnish. In keeping with the Hollandaise sauce theme you may choose to garnish with Cayenne Pepper.
2 thoughts on “Breakfast Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic”
posted comment
yes good one!