Insiders Guide to Tropical locations

Playa Coson


Playa Coson is the most remote of the Las Terrenas Beaches. Coson is the least populated of the beaches. It’s beauty is spectacular. The beaches are long and inviting. Here is an interactive map to guide you there. There is also an excellent fresh water swimming hole on the road as you come over a bridge. (if you get in be prepared for it to be COLD and if you need to get out follow the river DOWN and look for the exit on the RIGHT, its about 20-30 yards) The waves at Coson are powerful and there are rip tides. We strongly recommend you not swim here. It is a wonderful place to visit and we do often. Click any image to view a larger version

Coson through the trees, Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic
Coson through the trees
Leaning Palm Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic
Leaning Palm of Coson
Winds of Coson Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic
Windy Coson
Through the Trees, Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic
Coson Through the Trees

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